graduands lining up to cross the stage

Create your own fund

Match your passion with impact by creating your own fund

Create your own fund

While some donors know where they want to give, many more want to start with a conversation about how to match their passions with giving opportunities that will have the most meaningful impact.

There are many ways you can create your own award or initiative to energize student experiences, advance research and create greater ties between UCalgary and our local and global communities.


Susan Wessels
Director of Development, Student Awards and Strategic Initiatives


Student awards: scholarships and bursaries

Scholarships are granted to incoming or existing students based on academic achievement at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Bursaries are given to incoming and existing students based on financial need.

Tribute gifts

Tribute funds enable friends and family to give or establish a gift to areas that celebrate the continuing or past legacy of a special person or group.


Endowments provide an opportunity to give in perpetuity by establishing a fund that provides income to support an area indefinitely. To establish an endowment, UCalgary requires prospective donors make a minimum $25,000 commitment. The time to fulfil this commitment will vary based on the written agreement between the donor and the university's guidelines.

Annually funded awards

These awards allow donors to make a significant impact over a shorter time period, without requiring them to make a more substantive financial commitment, such as with an endowment. A minimum commitment of $2,000 per year for five years is required ($10,000 total) to fund a new annual award.

Milestone gifts

For alumni, graduation or anniversary milestones provide an opportunity to connect with friends and former classmates. They also provide classes an opportunity to leave a legacy, such as a named scholarship, bursary or a physical space on campus.